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Swing under an manchineel tree


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  • J D Lamb on 2022-Jun-09 03:57:26 J D Lamb said

    Ah! I know that particular tree well. It's on the beach of ilet a Cabrit, Iles Des Saintes.
  • J D Lamb on 2022-Jun-09 04:23:12 J D Lamb said

    Ah! I know that particular tree well. It's on the beach, by the dock, on the southwest shore of ilet a Cabrit, Iles Des Saintes. I have a photo of my wife giving my best friend a haircut while he sat on that swing. He never touched the tree, but he held onto the ropes. And then, he rubbed his eyes. That resulted in a trip to the pharmacy the next morning and a miserable 36 hours for my friend. I'll never forget the pharmacists words, "He'll be better in a couple of days and probably won't have any permanent eye damage! He was and he didn't.

    But what I what to know is this, "Who would put a kid's swing in a manchineel tree?"

    We found another such swing the following year on Petit Rameau in the Grenadines. And yes, it was in a manchineel tree. Who would do such a thing?

    Final word. Manchineel trees are bad news. Read about them. Believe what they say!