Desert View Tower

Desert View Tower Desert View Tower Desert View Tower Desert View Tower

A bit late, oh well. A few weeks back Anna and I took my parents to see Desert View Tower in Jacumba. Having never been myself, we didn’t really know what to expect. I loved it.

The tower and the springs have some amazing views of Imperial Valley and the curious boulder-pile mountains that surround it. Boulder Park, filled with windy caverns and depression era carvings is also pretty cool. But the character that ran the place and the eclectic detritus stuffed into the tower were definitely highlights as well. I don’t know of any other place in San Diego that has a better old-folksy-hippie-vibe. Worth a visit. If you have kids, you may have to taser them to get them back in the car when it is time to leave.

The weather was a bit nasty when we went, but that just means dramatic skies. I managed to get some decent panoramic photos:

View from the tower
View from the springs