Mekong Delta

Anna and I did a day trip to the Mekong Delta, visiting three different provinces. I was a bit worried going in for a repeat of our Cambodia boat experience, but it was very different. Tourists were a common sight, and there were things geared towards them, but ultimately you were just a momentary blip on the economic radar of the delta. We had a really great time, but a full description will have to wait. Without pictures to help, it would be a whole lot of writing.

We had some pho tonight for dinner, a bit surprised it took us this long, but we’ve had some other culinary adventures. Even just a simple bit of soup is a great thing. I could see them finishing up the next bit of soup stock on the stove, I think I saw the cook pull out about half a cow worth of bones and a bunch of spices. The broth was great, of course.

We also had some fun trying to figure out some of the menu items. Ice towel, for example, is not a typo for tower, aka glass full of ice. (We have seen tower and towel mixed up a few times on signs) It is an iced towel in plastic; used to cool your lips down after a good crunch on a pepper. They like ’em hot here.

The pho was great, but on the way back to the hotel I had to order a banh mi sandwich from a street vendor. There was a crowd, and it looked like some great stuff. It was predicatbly better than the ones back in north america. Probably more nasty, tasty, bits in the meat over here – the patte was great. A banh mi is always a cheap meal in the US – about 2 or 3 bucks a sub. Saigon has that beat though, 5000d, or about 33 cents.

Tomorrow, it is off to the Cholon aka Chinatown part of Saigon. Supposed to be pretty fun. I can’t wait, Saigon hasn’t dissapointed us yet.

One reply on “Mekong Delta”

  1. It’s been a while since I’ve caught up on my rss reading. Really good to read your guys’ descriptions and reflections. Have fun and safe travels.

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