Woke up to the new ball park down town setting off fireworks. Uhg. I hope that isn’t a regular thing. The lights on the thing have already ruined my poor view… I can only guess that the people in their expensive places downtown are buying heavy curtains.
Went down to Puerto Nuevo yesterday with my folks, Anna, and some of Anna’s familly. It was cloudy, but still fun.
The situation in Iraq is not looking good.
Condi’s testimony was pretty good, people still have questions though. More comments here. A close look at her statements here.
Two reporters were ordered Wednesday to erase their tape recordings of a speech by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia about the Constitution at a Mississippi high school. Read that again.
Very good interview with Former President Jimmy Carter about how the Christian right isn’t Christian at all.
Hah, 4 years till Colorado attacks Canada.
Better learn how to swim, LA.
More cell phone health fun.