LASIK & wavefront

Had my eyes measured the other day for LASIK & wavefront. I have very good night vision, so I figured my pupils were fairly large. They are a ginormous 8mm – that’s a fancy medical definition for you. The average pupil size is around 5-6mm. There was some early evidence that with the larger pupil size comes an increased chance of halos at night – the theory being that your pupil expands outside the treated area, giving you some blur. But some recent studies have shown that it is more to do with the way you heal and how bad your eyes are before you go into it. I am about the right age for the surgery, and my prescription isn’t that bad, so those factors are good for me. I think it is worth the risk.

There are other risks of course, but I’m not too worried about dry eye or contrast loss – that sort of stuff usually only happens when you have a preexisting condition. I should be a pretty low risk for that stuff. It is funny how I’ve gone from zero knowledge about eyes to a very good understanding of the eye, different laser treatments, and procedures. Always good to know what you are getting into when they are using a knife on your eye :)

They said someone could watch the surgery, but Anna might be a bit too squeamish about it. She has this weird thing about knives and eyes. Strange, I know.

After the test I wandered over to the consumer mecca of UTC and ordered myself a lychee boba tea. It was so good I didn’t even care I was wearing dorky glasses to protect my drugged out pupils.


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