
As Oso mentioned in a comment bellow, Kamp Kanuckistan (representing the “stateless state” of the Free United Cartel of Kanuckistan) will be at 5:20 on Fetish at Burning Man this year, and will feature the second annual road hockey tournament – The “Xeni Cup”. Pete and I were there last year, and had a lot of fun.

The UT has a write up on the long-planned redevelopment of the Navy Broadway Complex in downtown San Diego It would provide residents and tourists with new views and routes to the waterfront while allowing the Navy to move its headquarters from old warehouses to modern facilities at no cost. (PDF of the proposal)

MSN Money looks at costs and savings by replacing stuff with EnergyStar in your home: When’s the best time to buy an appliance? If you�re waiting until yours breaks, don�t. As you put off the decision, you’re likely paying much higher utility bills because of the inefficiency of old appliances.

Thousands of commuters in Lyon, France, are renting bikes from public racks at low cost. They seem to have thought it out well:

Attempts to steal bikes from a rack set off an alarm, while a built-in lock secures bikes during rentals… A microchip exchanges information with electronic bike racks, identifying the bike, the subscriber and when it was rented and returned. Bikes even have sensors that check the brakes, lights, tire pressure and gears every time they are parked. If there’s a problem, the station won’t rent the bike… A control center keeps track of the data, sending out mechanics or a shuttle to move bikes from one station to another as needed. The bikes are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, though currently weekday rush hours see the greatest demand, indicating that people are using the service to commute.

Lastly, if your day didn’t have enough crazies in it, don’t worry. Pat Robertson is here to help as an example to us allPat Robertson suggested on-air that American operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming “a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism.”