How Does Fat Kill Thee? Many Ways. An interesting write-up on fat from Wired News. I never really liked Chretien… but Martin is looking like a fool: Prime Minister Paul Martin says he believes Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and they’ve fallen into terrorists’ hands. Way to kiss some ass, Paul. Bush administration …
Author Archives: Chris Nelson
Information Environmentalism
Information Environmentalism. The information age, it seems, is data-contaminated. And it’s not just the volume of information that’s worrisome; it’s the lack of context in which it’s delivered.
Current books
Just got Lonely Planet Peru and Under the Tourist Sun in the mail. KPBS had an interview with the authors of Under the Tourist Sun a while back and the book sounded quite interesting. I can’t wait to dig into both of them. My current book is Quicksilver. I am around 3/4 of the way …
Rumsfeld’s big day
A round-up of info from Salon.
Greenspan is a tard
Uhg. Greenspan is a wanker. Yesterday he warned that America’s soaring federal budget deficits were a huge threat to the US economy, even though interest rates are rock bottom. This is the same guy that is for maintaining tax cuts, even making present tax-cut plans permanent. But thinks we should cut Social Security and Medicare …