Lovely – Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage The Rise of the Religious Right – “With the apathy that exists today, a small, well-organized minority can influence the selection of candidates to an astonishing degree.” – Pat Robertson. Nice one. Bush says we need Humans in space – um, why? Aren’t robotics …
Author Archives: Chris Nelson
Wow, I just can *not* wait for the upgrade of Patriot Act II: Expanding on the original, the new measure is said to instruct the government to build a database of citizen DNA information that could be collected without a court order on anyone suspected of wrongdoing; allow the government to wiretap anyone for 15 …
Art, photos, and ruins
Royal Journal of Found Art.Patricia Piccinini‘s art.50 years of pictures in China.Lastly, the Ruins of Detroit. I love this site. Stuff like this blows my mind.
Street Art
NYC street art.Go for a virtual walk around NYC.An interview with Swoon (paper/carving graffiti). And even more street art links for you!banksy.FAILE.defumo (mode)
I don’t want to get my hands dirty
Torture by proxy.