The UT has some positive words (in fact, it sounds a little like a press release) about a fish farm proposal from Hubbs-SeaWorld. The fish farm would be located off Mission Beach and would grow striped bass. This would be the first in the county, but not in the area. A 30 minute drive into …
Category Archives: External & links
Skellys in the closet
“Just one day after George W. Bush left office, an NSA whistleblower has revealed that the National Security Agency’s warrantless surveillance program targeted U.S. journalists, and vacuumed in all domestic communications of Americans, including, faxes, phone calls and network traffic.“ This is probably just the beginning – I’m guessing more information will trickle out (over …
Wingsuit crazies
Wingsuit base jumping.
During my chores today I finally caught up with This American Life podcasts. I just finished listening to episode 304: Heretics. I come from a bit of a charismatic background, so the story had a big impact on me. I highly recommend giving it a listen: Carlton Pearson’s church, Higher Dimensions, was once one of …
Local artificial reefs
San Diego county will be home for more artificial reefs. We already have several – The ships to reefs projects (Yukon, Ruby E, etc), and others like the old Ingraham Bridge debris. The newest reef (though technically in Orange County) is also one of the biggest – the Wheeler North Artificial Kelp Reef is made …