Happy new year

I just slacked and watched some movies. I’m boring, I know.

I printed out some of my digital pics to send to people for xmas with shutterfly. They did a really great job – the local places I tried did very poorly in comparison.

Parts of Patriot Act II signed into law. When you read something like this (date trees suggest saddam caught in the summer) it makes you wonder about timing.

Neocons vs. Powell for foreign policy.

Text to speach demo, version 2.

Huge satellite photo of Bam. Hardly anything left standing.

Elliott Smith death open question.

Shaky news

I was told about the Iran quake by a friend this morning. I looked in the paper, nothing. I watched 30 minutes of CNN, nothing. I went to bbc news online and finally found some information. The story came up on CNN after 40 minutes, and didn’t even seem to be a headline story. What were headline stories? A man killing his two kids, a mudslide, GI’s attacked, and what the president did for christmas. Oh, and he is monitoring terror reports. Guess I am confused as to what news is.

Christmas was good. I spent it with Anna Goss’ familly in Oceanside. Ate too much, but had fun. Since it is on my mind (I did some ‘COMPUTAR TEk WERK’ for people at christmas), anyone running windows should really download, install, run the update, and do a scan of adaware. The amount of malicious software out there is insane.

The Christmas truce.
New pictures every week from Drew Perkowski. Some nice photos.
Interesting flash site.
Voice over IP info for people wanting to check it out for home.
Weaker clean air rules blocked. Cool.


Wow – 9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable. I didn’t think that this would ever come out. I want to see someone run a comercial showing this. More here.

A widely publicized Iraqi document that purports to show that September 11 hijacker Mohammed Atta visited Baghdad in the summer of 2001 is probably a fabrication that is contradicted by U.S. law-enforcement records showing Atta was staying at cheap motels and apartments in the United States. Isn’t it just lovely that all this information comes out now?

Nice: U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson said Monday the Bush administration last year told him and other senators that Iraq not only had weapons of mass destruction, but they had the means to deliver them to East Coast cities.