Much of the right in the US believes that free markets make the best decisions. I’m not sure what they think of this: Gay-tolerant societies prosper economically. This is an interesting article – Allow a full background check and get a Fast Pass at Airport Security. Good to know, if your boarding pass has ‘SSSS’ …
Tag Archives: culture
Watched a documentary called Stevie last night. It was surreal and very sad. It makes you wonder how their life would be different if certain things changed. Looks like the 9/11 panel is coming down hard on both the Clinton and Bush administrations. Hopefully there will be some changes and accountability. Lacuna Inc will fix …
Get a CLUE
CLUE and Choicepoint being used for Govt investigations. Ah choicepoint, my old nemesis. A while back I was in a 6 month fight with AAA about my driving record being linked to some crash that occurred before I was even in the country, or had a driving record here. Needless to say, I don’t have …
Latino Film
Anna and I saw A Silent Love and El Misterio del Trinidad last night at the Latin Film Fest. A Silent Love is the story of a Canadian teacher who goes to Mexico to propose to a young woman he met through an Internet agency. The film is well done, making you feel awkward and …
Gay marriage
California Supreme Court declined a request to shut down San Francisco’s gay weddings. Hey, you can even send flowers through the net. Bush calls for changing the constitution to ban gay marriage.