I somehow ended up talking about the hedonic treadmill with a friend last night. Shortly after that I ended up reading Pursuing Happiness from Heifer’s World Ark: Could it be that our biggest social problems today—failing public schools, skyrocketing health costs, widening wealth inequalities, collapsing infrastructure—are related to the fact that, in the midst of …
Tag Archives: culture
8 hours and 11 minutes
8 hours and 11 minutes, per day. That’s how much TV the average American watches. My mind = blown. That’s a second job! Link via Gadling
Wired for altruism
The WP has a great story on researching human’s altruistic nature called If It Feels Good to Be Good, It Might Be Only Natural. When we give, it activates a primitive part of the brain that usually lights up in response to food or sex. Their 2006 finding that unselfishness can feel good lends scientific …
Dealing with a not so distant risk
As my previous post stated, we are all causing massive changes to the earth by producing green house gasses and eradicating carbon absorbers. Skeptics, Grist has done a great job rounding up the usual suspects if you want to know more about certain points. The question is, what to do about it all? Running through …
“A moderate and distant risk”
“Most Americans believe global warming is real but a moderate and distant risk. While they strongly support policies like investing in renewable energy, higher fuel economy standards and international treaties, they strongly oppose carbon taxes on energy sources that put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.” Titled Americans Believe Global Warming Is Real, Want Action, But …