I went to update my transactions today in Quicken and received the following message: “As of April 19th, 2005, in accordance with the Quicken sunset policy, Online services… Will no longer be available for Quicken 2002 users.“ Sunset policy, how quaint. This means I can’t get Quicken to download my bank transactions. The product could …
Tag Archives: culture
Rain and social ineptitude
More rain in San Diego.. Feels very strange to have a week of rain. The Pentagon is debating whether to set up elite hit-squads to target leaders of the Iraq insurgency in a new strategy based on tactics used against leftist guerrillas in Central America 20 years ago. Unbelievable. It is pretty hard to believe …
Xmas in Cuzco
Photos for this entry: Christmas celebrations in Cuzco and Sacsayhuaman Wow. What an interesting day. We woke up to construction and fireworks at about 6 am. OK, the fireworks, I get. Construction on christmas day? Take a rest! Our local german yogurt joint was closed, so we stumbled down to the plaza for breakfast. After …
Xmas eve in Cuzco
(All photos for this entry are posted here) The fireworks for Christmas eve started at around 6am today. The bastards. Little kids running around with fistfuls of gunpowder in paper; every mother’s dream. Every building around is tile, stone, mud brick, or cement. I don’t think it would transfer too well to San Diego. The …
mi espanol enfermo
I should have started my Spanish weeks ago, but instead I started a day before I leave. Oh well. I rely on Anna too much for her Spanish I guess. I found in Costa Rica I could understand a great deal of it with my French background, I just couldn’t speak anything back. Baja is …