PBS Frontline has an interesting interview with Clotaire Rapaille. He believes all purchasing decisions really lie beyond conscious thinking and emotion and reside at a primal core in human beings – our reptilian core.
Tag Archives: culture
LASIK update
I figured it was about time for a quick update on my laser eye surgery: Every once and a while when I am very sleepy, I wake up and wonder where my glasses are. It is a funny feeling, but ultimately something that is nice to experence. Everything seems to be healing quite well. The …
San Diego is #1
More rain, more raw sewage. This time 2.26 million gallons. Way to go San Diego, we are #1! Hah: Recently, we at GeorgeWBush.org happened to notice that our mail server had a default “catch-all” mailbox, which for the past several months had been quietly gathering any and all e-mails addressed to [INSERT-ANYTHING-HERE]@georgewbush.org. We felt the …
Narco Corridos
From BBC: Narco Corridos. An interesting article on the music aspect of the smuggler/drug/gang culture of Mexico and the US. It has been a bit of a culture shock down here for me in this aspect. You see guys drive by in pimped out cars with big stereos blasting music. But the music is not …
Stewart smackdown
Jon Stewart is the man. Clicky here to watch him sass up a storm on CNN’s Crossfire. Or click here to read the transcript (about halfway down) BEGALA: Well, it’s because, see, we’re a debate show. STEWART: No, no, no, no, that would be great. BEGALA: It’s like saying The Weather Channel reduces everything to …