Travel shows and Khan

This will be a busy weekend. Little Italy festival, Ray at Night, and One Nation at the Whistle Stop. Too bad I have so much work to do :( There are few travel shows out there, and even fewer that I like. Recently I have added Michael Palin’s shows to my very limited play-list (which …

Evolution, DNA, and God

Your links of the day: Keats’ project asks some serious scientific questions — and no small number of religious ones: If evolutionary theory is accurate, then God’s genetic makeup should most resemble Earth’s first life forms. Or, if creationists are right, then God’s DNA is more like the life forms he created in his own …

I <3 free wireless

Had a big garage sale on Sat and made 100 bones. I was pretty surprised, I was ready to truck the stuff off to Goodwill. Finally starting to move into Anna’s place. In fact, I am on the free wireless at the moment. Well, actually I don’t have great signal strength to goldenhillfreeweb right now, …