The first private manned spacecraft to fly to the edge of space and back.
Tag Archives: science & technology
Toxic kitty dust
There is a feral cat that hangs out in the courtyard of my building. This morning I walked outside to see him sharpening his claws on some furniture someone had left outside. Even the wild cats like a good chair scratch. Interest rates are going up. You know that dust on your computer? Well, its …
Information day
Database Nation, a different look from Reason Mag. U.S. agencies collect, examine personal data on Americans, “I didn’t know you cared what color my car was, how sweet”. Latest terror alert surprises Homeland Security officials (shouldn’t Homeland Security know about terror alerts by Ashcroft and the FBI?) Something is messed up.
Big and Bad
Wow. Crash Testing: MINI Cooper vs Ford F150 Interesting article here: Big and Bad
War and RIAA
I still haven’t figured the comment system, doesn’t seem to like my template or something. I finally joined a gym. When I moved out of my old place (which had a tiny gym in the basement) I figured I would just keep active in other ways. Well, it didn’t work out that way. The gym …