Woke up to the new ball park down town setting off fireworks. Uhg. I hope that isn’t a regular thing. The lights on the thing have already ruined my poor view… I can only guess that the people in their expensive places downtown are buying heavy curtains. Went down to Puerto Nuevo yesterday with my …
Tag Archives: science & technology
We all love it. I have been giving SpamBayes a try (open source Outlook plugin). It took about 3 days to get it trained (helps if you have folders of good and bad messages for it to start out with), but now it is running around 98%, with no false positives. Nice!
Fun fun!
The Web Hosting company I was using for this site (Endore.net) went out of business. They didn’t give any warning and shut down their servers on Thursday night. Luckly, I had backups of everything. I transfered my stuff over to my free hosting at 1and1 who got everything up and running rather quickly with my …
Biggest! Prime! Ever!Someone finally realizes what a problem Diebold is. More here.Interesting graphics design site.I had seen stuff about this guy before, but Wired just did a full story on him. Very cool stuff.GMO court case.
Nanotubes. I find the whole thing rather interesting as I am currently reading Engines of Creation. Think I will pass on the green onions. Cool sign project. Privacy watch. Interesting green retrofit. I’m hungry for some fast food.