I feel naked

I love the internet. I wrote a post back in Feb about my astonishment at the popularity surge of moleskine notebooks. The meandering post was me being harsh on the mythical/fashionable status that the books were given. There was (maybe still?) a sort of emo clique identified with the product – sales were driven more by identification than function. Hardly anything new, I know.

Looking through my logs I saw a blip in traffic last month on this post. I went back and read the comments, then found out what the traffic was about. The a link to my page was posted on mokeskinerie.com, a moleskine fan site. The fact that I got some intelligent replies seems to reflect well on moleskine fans. I mean, if I was to rip on starwars or something, I would be deleting comments from my blog for the next 3 months.

It is all very fascinating to me. The web of connections I mean, not the notebook. I certainly never would have posted the comment directly to a fan site as I am not much of a troll. But months later, someone did just that for me. I don’t expect to be writing for anyone other than family and friends, so the experience slams home the fact that everything is exposed. I don’t mean that in a bad way though. The exposure makes partnership of everyone’s data possible, and everyone (eventually) wins.

Anna and I saw Kung Fu Hustle last weekend at gaslamp. We both loved it. Stylized, surreal, and entertaining. We also watched The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It was decent, but I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as KFH. Probably a result of me not reading the books. I know, not much of a geek, am I?

This quote from a house seller in the UT seems to confirm exactly what I have been thinking for a while about San Diego:

“People don’t make enough money to buy them,” he said of his and other similarly priced homes. “Your buyer pool is like a pyramid – the higher the prices, the smaller the pool of qualified buyers. We’ve got to get somebody moving up from another house or condo or town house that might be able to buy these houses.”

The whole thing is built on the expectation that you own property, and you made a killing on it. There is no possible way to get into the market otherwise. Former apartments that probably didn’t rent for more than 1k are being sold at 500k. It seems the housing market is incestuous. It is the same people selling, buying up, and repeating. With no fresh buyers, one has to wonder how this will play out.

Homestar Runner and the gang get some attention from NPR

The freakonomics guy has a sassy tale of food and economics.

Digging up WWII Kiev