New Host + Gallery + WordPress = Second Job

Time was running out on my 1&1 hosting, so I took advantage of a good deal from dreamhost. Since I’m moving hosts, I figured I would do some infrastructure changes around here as well. 1) Migrate from Gallery 1 to Gallery 2.  a) Build a new theme  b) Integrate maps/location as a way to access …

Does irony translate?

This whole cartoon thing is rediculous. Michael Standaert has the right idea: Why does the Danish Prime Minister even need to be involved in this situation or apologize for this? What I don’t understand is the fact that GOVERNMENTS have been drawn into this mess. They are not responsible for the actions of writers and …

Energy concerns

So Bush has finally admitted the US is addicted to cheap oil. He made some statements in his address to the nation: – Coal. $281 million to develop clean coal technologies “to generate electricity while meeting environmental regulations at low cost.” And $54 million for a “FutureGen” project with the private sector to seek “an …