I’ve been really enjoying the music in Fallout3. A bit of an eclectic mix – Ink Spots, Bing, Ella, etc. I’ve got some serious earworm going on with some of the tracks. The only thing that can cure that condition while at work is a visit to The 1920’s Network (which also includes 30s & …
Category Archives: External & links
What would a modern depression look like?
The Boston Globe has an interesting piece on what a sustained economic downturn (like the great depression(s)) would look like in modern times: We are separated from the 1930s by decades of profound economic, technological, and political change, and a modern landscape of scarcity would reflect that… By looking at what we know about how …
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CA wildfires photos
The Big Picture has some excellent photos on the California wildfires that are burning up north. We were in a bit of a news blackout while enjoying Two Harbors on Catalina Island, but couldn’t miss the wall of orange smoke.
The End of Wall Street’s Boom
I found this to be a very interesting behind the scenes read: The End of Wall Street’s Boom His dinner companion in Las Vegas ran a fund of about $15 billion and managed C.D.O.’s backed by the BBB tranche of a mortgage bond, or as Eisman puts it, “the equivalent of three levels of dog …
Divebums Calendar
Divebums is a local website that shows weekly photos taken by divers in Southern California (hopefully a great field ID section soon). Each year John puts out a fantastic calendar made up of photos from the local dive community. In fact, I’m looking at one on my office wall. This year, I was lucky enough …