My poor old nokia 8265 has given its all. It has performed well for 2 years, but is at the end of its life. The zero and end buttons work about 20% of the time. But more frustrating, it randomly drops calls from certain cell towers. Including the one near my house. While Verizon seems …
Category Archives: Me & my ramblings
Home Despot
Busy busy. Intoxicated with the smell of rosemary and pink jasmine, we purchased a crap load of plants this weekend. Some were gifts, the rest are going in the garden and the back porch. I stumbled my way around the side of the roof to chop the trees back, now we have a bit of …
Chicago photos
I posted my photos of Chicago, but have not commented on any of them. At this rate I’m wondering when I am going to get around to commenting the Peru photos.
I’m back from Chicago. Had a good time there, I like the city. I did alright with my first taste of cold in quite a few years. Living with the wind in my face for years in Alberta meant that Chicago winter was a piece of cake. Chicago actually reminded me a lot of Calgary. …
Francois Lake
Looking at my visited countries map: It would seem I need to get my ass off this continent for my next travels. However with Chicago, NYC, and Williams Lake lined up, I don’t see that happening soon. I am going to spend a week or two in Williams Lake with family, and hopefully have enough …