A month back I finally got around to getting back in the water for some diving. I had just splurged on a large purchase – the Nauticam underwater housing for my Olympus OMD EM5 camera. I just had the kit lens and housing in this instance, and no strobes or lights attached. Some first impressions: …
Category Archives: Me & my ramblings
Eversweet pomegranate
I planted an eversweet pomegranate tree about a year ago in a very hot and sunny part of the yard. It seemed to enjoy it and the still small tree has produced 5 fruit this year. They are quite unique, I’ve never tasted any pomegranates like them – very sweet and delacate. The seeds are …
Review of alloyphoto’s Lightroom Gallery 3 Export Plug-in
I’ve been using Gallery (aka Menalto) for almost a decade, starting with Gallery1, now up to Gallery3 in the current release. In the early days the work-flow for adding and providing meta data about photos wasn’t so easy. That got better with Gallery Remote, which I used for many years. However, the Gallery Remote workflow …
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Gallery2 to Gallery3 – rewriting .jpg.html in URLs
I had a rough time trying to get my gallery2 install imported and moved to the gallery3 platform. The g2 import process stalled out a lot and crashed & burned hard when faced with different folder names for the redirects (/gallery became /photos). After a lot of fighting with the g2import module & htaccess, I disabled the g2import module and pursued a strictly .htacccess solution for redirecting visitors from the old gallery2 URL to the new gallery3 URL.
Unrest in Turkey
It has been interesting to watch the ongoing strife and turmoil that has been shaking Turkey. We were there for two weeks in March & April and had a chance to speak with a number of people in different locations. To a certain extent it has been hard to reconcile the strength of reaction given …