Dia de los Muertos

(All photos for this entry are posted here) (The following is information I’ve picked up from various sources, so feel free to set me straight) Dia de los Muertos is one of the more famous and widely practiced Mexican holidays. This ritual remembrance and celebration of the dead is said to be 3,000 years old, …

Fern Street Circus

(All photos for this entry are posted here) Last Saturday night Anna and I went to check out this year’s Fern Street Circus performance at Balboa Park. FSC is our very own Goldenhill circus recreation program. What does that mean? They provide free instruction for kids at the Rec Center in acrobatics, balancing, clowning, contortion, …

Central Coast and Paso Robles Wine Fest

(All photos for this are posted here) Anna and I took a mini vacation two weeks ago to the central coast. We rented a convertible for the trip and couldn’t have picked a better time to do it – the weather was fantastic. Temps were in the 80’s with Sunday going up to the mid …

I feel naked

I love the internet. I wrote a post back in Feb about my astonishment at the popularity surge of moleskine notebooks. The meandering post was me being harsh on the mythical/fashionable status that the books were given. There was (maybe still?) a sort of emo clique identified with the product – sales were driven more …