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LOOK YOU JERK, I WANT THE SUPPORT I PAID FOR. Oh yeah, I’m not paying. In other words, no Cuzco Xmas vids until I figure out how to manually add a file to gallery.
Whaaa? You mean they were wrong? That’s sooo surprising: US gives up search for Iraq WMD
The iPod shuffle is tempting, but it is hard to say how much I would miss the screen. Custom programs are one of the things that makes the iPod desirable. 12h battey time is a bit lame as well. The iriver players crank out over 30, and they have screens and FM tuners built in.
For all you iTunes people, Apple also broke Hymm, the anti-DRM utility.
The city of San Diego will pay a $25,000 fine to the state government for waiting nearly a month to alert regulators to a potential health hazard in the city drinking water system. And that’s why I buy Pureflo water.
I won’t shed any tears about this: End Looming for San Diego’s Master-Planned Communities
San Diego drivers are some of the most zombie drivers I have seen, so learning that San Diego has the 3rd highest pedestrian fatality rate in the nation is hardly surprising. The bike rate can’t be much better.
I’ve never had it, but I suddenly want Paan after reading this.
Literally, in the past week I’ve nearly been mowed over by four different drivers while on my bicycle. Riding a bike here is a death wish.